
New Year's Resolution

It's been a while since I've posted on this fledgling blog. But from what I see, there have been quite a few visitors who seemed to have taken a look at my rudimtary attempts at bullet journalling my pro ana attempts. Now, I know this just sounds like I'm going to say that I don't want to do that anymore, but that would be a lie. This post is the beginning of what will be my new attempt at losing weight. Most of what I said before still applies in that I do not have an eating disorder and I do not promote it, but I still am actively participating in "pro ana" stuff. I also still maintain a bullet journal although now it is much nicer. And also, my attempts are mostly centered around maintaining habits, becoming academically better, and weight loss. But this is 2019, and I have the self growth of a snail. This winter break, I've been spending it with my godparents and my godfather has been asking me "What are you going to major in?". You know,...

My Proana Bullet Journal

Bullet journals are literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. If you've never heard of them, you best look them up, because I do not have the qualifications to explain them. However, I can try. Basically, bullet journals are organization journals that YOU  can customize to fit your needs. And for me, it's had my daily to-do list,  gratitude log, weight log, habit tracker, and a bunch of other stuff. But I love mine. The problem with me, in the beginning, was that I was trying to make it like all the other perfect ones I saw on Pinterest and Tumblr, but that's highly unachievable.  So, below are some of the spread that are related to my weight loss journey.  Food Log and 10DC Point Tracker 10 Day Challenge Spread Ana Rules Habit Tracker, Month Spread Which reminds me, I'm obviously following a pro-ana lifestyle, but I'm not too huge on the extreme parts. So, I have the rules that most pro-ana does, but here's the list in...

Day 1

I woke up this morning, with a full eleven hours of sleep and I am still so tired of everything. Of feeling. It suucks. But most of you didn't come here for my depression talk, you want to hear about the pro ana side.  So, today, I'm going on a fast, because I ended up weighing 194 this morning and I was like fuuuuck everything, you know? So I totally plan on getting the full 20 points in the calorie section, which if this your first post, I'm talking about the Ten Day Challenge . It's a short challenge to lose five pounds in ten days, which I fully plan on doing.  So here's the rundown for today, I'll get my full water intake this afternoon when I come back from school. Calories is gonna be fine because I'm fasting. The big problem is going to be exercise. I think what I'll do is do an hour and half of jumping jacks (which are going to hurt like hell by the time I finish) while watching Lost. Oh, and I got all my sleep points because I slept 11 ...

Ten Day Challenge

So I've started this. I should probably start laying out my plans, huh? Starting tomorrow, I've began the Ten Day Challenge. Supposedly, you can lose up to five pounds if you follow the program. I'm not too sure about that, but I figure what do I have to lose? Here's the run down: Calories 0-500..............................................20 Points 501-1000.......................................10 Points 1000+............................................0 Points Water 2L+.............................................20 Points 1-2L.....................................10 Points 0-1L.........................................0 Points Exercise 1+ hours.........................................20 Points 30 min-1 hour.................................10 Points 0-30 min.........................................0 Points Sleep 8+ Hours.........................................20 Points 6-8 Hours.........................................10 Points...

Introduction Post

My name is L. That is all you need to know about my name. If some of you are Death Note fans, you might squint your eyes, but I assure you it was not on purpose. My name just happens to start with an L and I don't want to lie to you readers. Some of you readers may not appreciate the contents of this blog, but honestly I don't even care anymore. I need somewhere to vent and talk about what is happening to me. This blog is going to consist of a few different things, including my journey as a pro ana member, a bullet journal enthusiast, and as an incoming college freshmen. I understand that some of you may protest about the pro ana thing, but my response to you is that if you don't like it, SKIP IT. I don't care. This is my blog to do with, what I want. Saying that, I do not promote eating disorders. They are horrifying things and debilitating from what I've seen. I do not have one. I am just one of those teenagers that has weight problems and wants to get the p...